NW League 2014 Mini-Playoffs Women’s Open and Multi-Level to begin April 11th and 12th

This entry was posted on Friday, 4 April, 2014

The Northwest League 2014 Mini-Playoffs will begin with the Northwest Women’s Open matches on April 11th.  Vying for the number 1 spot is College Park East vs. Glenbrook.  For 3rd or 4th place North Shore’s 2 teams will be playing against each other.  For 5th or 6th place Northbrook will be playing against Lincolnshire.  For 7th and 8th place, River Trails will be playing against Midtown-Palatine.  For 9th and 10th place, Five Seasons will be playing against Libertyville.  The format will be similar to the regular season matches in that it is a timed 2 hour match.  The top 3 courts will play at the current higher position, i.e. CPAC-E, NSRC, NRC, RTTC, FSSC and the bottom 3 courts will play at the current lower position, i.e GRC, NSRC, LINC, MTP, LIB.

The Northwest Multi-Level mini-playoff matches will be on April 12th.  Vying for the number 1 spot is Libertyville vs. Midtown-Palatine.  For 3rd or 4th place, Midtown-Bannockburn will be playing against Glenbrook.  For 5th and 6th place, the two River Trails team have opted to not play their final match.  The top 3 courts will play at the current higher position, i.e. LIB and MTB and the bottom 3 courts will play at the current lower position, i.e. MTP and GRC.


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